The Benefits of Ignorance

I have had conversations in recent comments sections on the role of reason in the Orthodox life. I readily acknowledge that no one lives without some use of reason – but I contend that most of what forms the content of our life in Christ is not reason. The faith does have to contend with attacks and challenges from many arenas – and yet its success will not be established by the superiority of its arguments, but by faith in Christ. Arguments are often unfruitful in “reasonable” exchanges, for the form of Orthodox reason often differs from the form reason takes in many places. Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια του άρθρου »

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Compassion (Abba Zossimas)

The Elder speaks on the circumstance of being harmed by a brother in Christ:

If it is necessary to grieve at all, then we should grieve for the loss of that person who has harmed us, not for the loss of our possessions. For, that person has done injustice to himself by being cast out of the heavenly kingdom. ‘Wrongdoers shal not inherit the kingdom of God’ (1 Cor. 6:9). As for you that have been done injustice, the person that has wronged you has in face procured life for you. It is indeed said: ‘Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in Heaven’ (Matt. 5:12). Yet, instead of grieving over the loss of one of Christ’s members, we sit and weave thoughts about corruptible and insignificant matters, which are easily lost and worth nothing. We are truly and rightly condemning ourselves.” Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια του άρθρου »

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A Societal Issue – Unfair treatment worsens physical and mental health

Greece's contribution to mankind and the gifts Greece has given to the world (the beauty of religion, democracy, culture, art, education, science, athletics etc) are enormous - to say the least. So why does the international community and Greece's own politicians insist on treating Greece and the Greek people so unfairly and unjustly?

The findings underscore that health is a societal issue as well as an individual concern, Dr. Roberto De Vogli of University College London, the study’s lead author, told Reuters Health. «Addressing injustice in the social environment in society can be a way to promote health and to reduce health problems, especially among people in lower socioeconomic positions,» he said in an interview. Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια του άρθρου »