«Satan, the Great Deceiver»

God will judge The Prince of evil on the last day - The Day of Judgment

«Satan can only deceive he cannot pluck us out of the hand of God»

Deceive – to mislead by a false appearance or statement

By Fr. Timothy Evangelinidis

When I was much younger and attending university in my home-town of Sydney (in those days a much smaller and less busy place), I was allocated a particular lecturer who prided himself on being an atheist. «Religion is something for weak people, those who cannot think or live for themselves». Arriving at his first lecture this man proudly announced that with a few premises, sub-conclusions and a watertight conclusion, he would prove beyond any doubt that God did not exist. It went something like this: Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια του άρθρου »

The New World Order IS About Religion

NewWorldBy Sherry Shriner

With thunderous applause liberty dies and those who fight to maintain liberty can’t even grasp the entire picture of what the fight is about.

I don’t know how many times I have seen patriots get angry or enraged in public forums because the mention of God is made when it comes to the New World Order. They proclaim the New World Order is about politics and not religion as they task away at bits and pieces exposing the lies and deceptions of the order. How shocked will they be to find out soon enough that the New World Order is a politicalization of religion and that the two can’t and won’t be separated.

The entire purpose of the New World Order is to bring Lucifer down to earth and enforce worldwide worship of him as God. Satan’s right hand man on earth whom the Bible calls the False Prophet, will implement and enforce worldwide worship of Lucifer as God. The Bible refers to them as beasts because that is exactly what they are. Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια του άρθρου »

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