Orthodox Kosovo

Decani Monastery in Kosovo

Decani Monastery in Kosovo

From the fourteenth century to the present day, the land of Kosovo and Metohija has been, and will always remain, the spiritual heartland of the Serbian Orthodox nation. Sanctified by a multitude of monasteries and churches as well as by the blood of martyrs, the holy land of Kosovo occupies a place of honor and reverence within the souls of all believing Serbs.

After the sack of Constantinople by Crusaders in 1204, the province of Kosovo became the center of the Serbian Nemanjic state. Tsar Dusan was crowned in Kosovo in 1331, and he, King Stephen of Decani and King Uros had residences in the province. In 1346 the Serbian Orthodox Patriarchate was established at Pec (now a women’s monastery). In the early fourteenth century Kosovo was the richest and most densely populated region of the Serbian empire. It became a major commercial center for the Serbs, containing such industries as silk production, gold and silver mining, and fine crafts. Serbian rulers allotted the fertile area between Pec, Prizren, Mitrovica and Pristina and nearby areas to churches and monasteries, and this area eventually acquired the name Metohija, from the Greek metochion, meaning an estate owned by the Church. Many of the most beautiful Serbian monasteries and churches, as well as castles and fortresses, were located in Kosovo. Archeologists have determined that there were about 1,300 monasteries, churches and other monuments in Kosovo and Metohija in the fourteenth century. Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια του άρθρου »

KAKO ODGAJITI SVECA? (Σερβικά, Serbian)


Većina nas bila bi presrećna da odgaji dete koje će biti i ostati pravi vernik. To nije uvek lak posao i svaki roditelj koji uspe u tome, trebalo bi da se mnogo raduje. Ne postoji metod koji bi nam pomogao da to ostvarimo, jer je to dato po Božijoj promisli i milosti.

Međutim, čitajući spise Svetog Siluana i priče o njegovom ocu ostao sam zadivljen. Čini se da najosnovnije duhovne lekcije on nije sticao od Starca nego od jednostavnog seljaka koji je posedovao veru sveca-seljaka koji je bio njegov otac.

Evo primera:

«Nemojmo biti tužni zbog gubitka zemaljskih dobara, takvi gubici su nevažni. Moj otac naučio me je ovome u najranijem detinjstvu. Kada bi se neka šteta dogodila u kući, on je uvek ostajao smiren. Kada je našu kuću zahvatio požar i kada su komšije povikale:

«Ivane Petoviču, gori ti kuća!» on je odgovorio: «Uz Božju pomoć ponovo ću je sagraditi.» Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια του άρθρου »

Condemned to Immortality: A meditation on the Resurrection

resurection2by Archimandrite Dr Justin Popovic

People condemned God to death; with His Resurrection He condemned them to immortality. For striking Him, God returned embraces; for insults, blessings; for death, immortality. Never did men show more hate towards God than when they crucified Him; and God never showed His love towards people more than when He was resurrected. Mankind wanted to make God dead, but God, with His Resurrection, made people alive, the crucified God resurrected on the third day and thereby killed death! There is no more death. Immortality is surrounding man and his entire world.

With the Resurrection of the God-Man, the nature of man is irreversibly led toward the road of immortality and man’s nature becomes destructive to death itself. For until the Resurrection of Christ, death was destructive for man; from the Resurrection of Christ, man’s nature becomes destructive in death. If man lives in the faith of the Resurrected God Man, he lives above death, he is unreachable for her; death is under man’s feet. Death where is thy sting? Hell, where is thy victory? And when a man who believes in Christ dies, he only leaves his body as his clothes, in which he will be dressed again on the Day of Last Judgment.

Before the Resurrection of the God-Man, death was the second nature of man; life was first and death was second. Man became accustomed to death as something natural. But after His Resurrection the Lord changed everything: and it was only natural until Christ’s Resurrection, that the people became mortal, so after Christ’s Resurrection it was natural that the people became immortal.

Through sin, man becomes mortal and temporal; with the Resurrection of the God-Man, he becomes immortal and eternal. In this lies the strength, in this lies the power, in this lies the might of Christ’s Resurrection. Without the Resurrection there is no Christianity. Among the miracles, this is the greatest one; all other miracles begin and end with it. From it sprouted the faith and the love and the hope and the prayer and the love toward God.

 from «Philosophical Cliffs»